Brad-Point Tool Bits

by Leon Groom
Most individuals have made the mistake at one time or another to ignore sound advice from experts and reach for the standard twist bit, instead of the brad-point bit. The blunt, low-angle point of a twist bit makes for a difficult time to locate the hole with precision and accuracy. Conversely, the bradpoint bit makes it quite simple to place the bit with accuracy on layout lines.
Normally, the profile of bit tips fall into one of three categories: w-shaped, spade-shaped or spur-shaped. The spade shaped Harbor Freight as well as the Fisch Precision bits drill via a combination of scraping and cutting. This generates more fine dust than the other tip shapes. The Fisch Precision bit bored straight through the whole 2 inch thickness of a white-oak board as it produced a clean exit hole in the test. Unfortunately, the entry hole it produced was extremely ragged.
Even in plywood, chip-free exit holes may be vital to you. The Fisch Vortex D is generally a good choice. However, the Wolfcraft bit is approximately 1/3 the price and it bored a hole nearly as clean. Although the entrance holes for the two bits were somewhat ragged, chip clearing was excellent for the two of them. However, the Wolfcraft bit had penetrated about 5/8 inches into the white oak prior to the drill being bogged down.
Lee Valley high-speed spur-shaped bits and the Forest City brand set cut clean, holes of precision in plywood and maple. Chip clearing was no problem at all as they also drilled to a decent depth in white oak, with flat-bottomed holes left. The Lee Valley brad-point bits had easy penetration and produced a practically chip-free exit in the hard maple. The carbide tipped bits, from Highland Hardware, have a somewhat different design than the other bits. The design offers outstanding chip removal, but is not suitable for a doweling jig that needs a uniform diameter.
Lee Valley Tools, a Canadian retail and mail-order family-operated company, specializes in woodworking equipment and tools, along with woodworking gifts and hardware. They have patented and developed via Veritas Tools many inventive accessories and tools which include router tables, sharpening systems, marking gauges, hand planes, measuring tools and various gadgets.
The Lee Valley bits were the most impressive overall, with the best value at $42 as set, with flawless holes and clean-cutting action. For more details, visit an online retailer that provides Lee Valley Tools and Veritas.
About the Author
Leon Groom writes about PowerTools coupons, Hand Tools and Cordless tools
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