Friday, December 30, 2005

"Intarsia Hawk"

This intarsia design was inlaid into a painted background of rolling hills ( what you see here is a cropped and black painted version). The theme is a hawk ( the larger bird ) flying over the midwest hills dreaming of being an eagle soaring high through the mountains.
This is the cover page for my E-Book "Intarsia Designing"

"Hawk's Dream" Posted by Picasa

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"Intarsia Woodworking"

"Intarsia doors" is what I had on my mind when I saw this cabinet laying in pieces in an old barn. First I took off the old finish, then cut out some of the cabinet that I didn't want so I would have room for new stereo components. Repaired and glued up the cabinet box. Next I sketched a intarsia design for the doors and enlarged it to size. I cut the pieces for the design, stained, glued up and finished the doors off the cabinet. I finished the cabinet with the doors off. The intarsia doors are split down the center, unlike some of my doors where the opening depends on the picture lines. This was an old "RCA" record player cabinet thats now "Reborn".

Two-door Stereo Cabinet Posted by Picasa

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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Wood and Art

Woodworking and art has been the main interest of my life. I’ve made my living at this for the past 30 years as a cabinetmaker and furniture builder.
Sometimes I’ve been in business for myself and sometimes worked for others.
Cabinetmaker’s love building the fancy stuff, but for most of us cabinetmaker’s this isn’t what you build on a daily bases.
I tell people I have an affliction called “art” and it seems to drive me towards wanting to do something different, something artful with each woodworking project I’m involved with.
I love to design, to add the little finishing touches that makes the piece stand out as unique.
Having owned woodworking businesses I am interested in the business end of woodworking and it’s challenges.
So these topics and some others like computers and business on the web are the main subjects of this blog.
I invite you to join in and give your input

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